Real Estate Digital Marketing Trends: A 2024 Overview

Real estate digital marketing trends in 2024

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Change is a constant companion in competitive industries like real estate, mainly because it is influenced by shifting consumer habits, technological advancements and economic fluctuations. So, it is no surprise that the global shift towards digital marketing is causing a seismic change in the real estate industry. In fact, 72% of companies are gearing up to increase their real estate digital marketing budgets in 2024!

Why Does Your Real Estate Business Need Digital Marketing?

Some might find it hard to see the connection between real estate and digital marketing because traditionally, you would contact an agent, arrange a meeting and physically inspect properties. However, this is no longer the case in the 21st century—times have indeed changed.

The Digital House-Hunting Trend

According to a comprehensive study, 92% of potential buyers kickstart their house-hunting journey online. This statistic alone should be enough to make any real estate professional sit up and take notice. Common sense dictates that you set up your shop where you'll find the most customers because if you're not where your customers are, you're not in the game.

Key to Reaching Potential Customers

As the world evolves, so do our habits. People are increasingly turning to online platforms to streamline their decision-making processes. Whether it's about purchasing a house, a car, or even selecting the perfect dress, the internet has become the go-to resource for gathering information. So, if your real estate business does not have a strong online presence, you might be missing out on a lot of potential customers.

Know, Like, Trust – the Digital Trinity

People buy from those they know, like and trust. Real estate digital marketing is not just about showcasing properties; it's about building a brand, establishing trust and building a connection with potential clients. By strategically utilizing online platforms and adopting the latest digital marketing trends, you have the chance to create a compelling narrative around your business, making it more than just a service provider – but a trusted partner in their home-buying journey.

Digital Marketing Facts Every Real Estate Business Should Know

Key Trends to Watch in Real Estate Digital Marketing 2024

Now, let's take a look at the top trends in real estate digital marketing for 2024. These are the trends you should definitely keep an eye on if you want your business to be the star in the industry next year!

High-Performing Real Estate Website

As we have already discussed, nowadays people tend to look for properties online, and your website is the first thing that will make an impression on them. Even if you have great listings, if your website is not functioning properly or is not appealing to the visitor, your website traffic will be low in 2024.

User-Friendly Website

It's not just about having listings; it's about how your website delivers them. A glitchy or unappealing website can turn away visitors, regardless of your property portfolio. Your priority should be investing in a user-friendly website that not only retains visitors but also convinces them to return. Balancing informative content with engaging visuals and videos improves the user interface (UI) leading to a quality interaction that keeps users engaged with your real estate offerings. Consider hiring a professional designer or a digital marketing agency to create a visually appealing and user-friendly website.

Prioritize Mobile-Friendliness

Given that up to 80% of your audience explores property offers using their smartphones, it is really important that you make sure your website is mobile friendly. You need to integrate your pages with a mobile version to provide a fast and comfortable user experience.

Social Media Integration

You should link your website pages and content to your social media profiles. This creates a two-way street, encouraging your audience to follow, comment and share your posts. Seamless integration with social media improves your online presence and widens your reach.

Brand Communication and Awareness

A successful real estate website communicates your brand message and boosts brand awareness. It should feature helpful content that captures quality leads, property listings that convert visitors into appointments.

Video Marketing

Nowadays, people prefer connecting through videos rather than reading text. Videos provide a clear understanding of what they're interested in, boosting conversion rates by up to 80% on landing pages. The demand for visual content is growing, leading businesses to use platforms like YouTube and social media to reach a wider audience. If you want to make your videos effective, you need to invest in quality production. Get good equipment and, if possible, hire professionals for polished results.

Video marketing basically offers two ways to showcase properties in a way that resonates with modern consumers.

Virtual Property Tours

Virtual property tours have become a game-changer in video marketing. Now, instead of relying solely on static images, sellers can provide potential buyers with an immersive experience. These tours are easy to integrate into websites, YouTube or social media platforms like Instagram Reels, providing a clear and comprehensive view of listed properties. According to a study, 58% of buyers express a strong preference for virtual tours, highlighting the effectiveness of this approach.

Live-Streamed Open Houses

Live-streamed open houses are gaining popularity as an alternative to traditional property showings. This real estate digital marketing approach allows sellers to offer audiences an authentic view and impression of listed spaces through live sessions. Rather than requiring people to physically attend open houses, prospective buyers can engage in real-time, forming a clear understanding of a property's attributes.

Rise of Emerging Platforms in Real Estate Marketing

Keeping up with the changing marketing dynamics is crucial for real estate agents. This includes adopting new marketing platforms and technologies to stay ahead of the curve, with a focus on extreme customer-centric approaches. In 2024, emerging platforms such as blockchain and the metaverse will be the key players in shaping the future of real estate digital marketing.


The metaverse is basically a unified virtual environment brought about by the convergence of both physical and virtual reality. This shared space serves as a collaborative platform where individuals can interact and engage within a digitally created space. When we talk about the real estate industry, this means offering prospective buyers a fresh and more immersive property viewing experience.

Real estate professionals should explore ways to utilize the metaverse for showing property and client interactions. This includes creating virtual environments for property tours, hosting virtual open houses and setting up virtual meetings with clients.

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is making significant inroads into the real estate sector, offering increased transparency and security in property transactions. In 2024, more real estate professionals are expected to use blockchain technology to instill confidence in both buyers and sellers.

Blockchain's primary application in real estate lies in streamlining the buying process. It reduces fraud by providing a secure and transparent way to store and verify property records. This not only speeds up the transaction process but also builds trust among the involved parties.

Voice Search Optimization

Things completely changed when Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant were introduced into our lives. Suddenly, everyone started talking to their phones, asking questions without even typing a single word. As consumers start relying more and more on voice commands to gather information, real estate professionals should make sure that their online presence is optimized for this growing trend.

What is Voice Search Optimization?

Voice Search Optimization (VSO) is the process of fine-tuning online content and websites to increase their visibility and ranking in voice search results, particularly for real estate-related questions.

Adapt SEO Strategies for Voice Queries

Real estate professionals need to actively adjust their SEO strategies for voice queries. This means prioritizing conversational and long-tail keywords that match spoken language rather than typed text. It's really important to understand the natural language patterns commonly used in voice searches to optimize content effectively.

Provide Concise and Informative Responses

To optimize for voice search, real estate professionals need to anticipate and offer brief yet informative responses to voice-based questions. This includes addressing a diverse range of queries, starting from initial property exploration to transaction-related questions -  basically any question that could come up during the buying process.

Key Strategies for Voice Search Optimization

FAQ-style Content: Develop content in a question-and-answer format to align with common voice-based queries.

Local Optimization: Optimize for local searches, as voice queries often have a strong local intent.

Mobile-Friendly Design: Make sure your website is mobile-friendly, as voice searches are frequently conducted on mobile devices.

Structured Data Markup: Utilize structured data markup to offer search engines additional context regarding your content.

Those who proactively optimize for voice search gain a competitive advantage in reaching potential buyers using voice-activated devices. As virtual assistants are becoming more integrated into everyday life, making sure your real estate content is easily accessible through voice commands increases your chances of being the go-to source for property-related information.

Chatbots and AI-powered Assistants

Chatbots and AI-powered assistants are making a significant impact, revolutionizing the way we interact with technology. Think of them as your helpers seamlessly integrated into familiar social platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, and WeChat.

Real estate chatbots serve a multitude of functions on agent websites and social media platforms. From answering typical questions to scheduling property viewings and providing valuable information, these bots act as virtual assistants.

Key Benefits of Chatbots in Real Estate

Time Efficiency: Reduces response time, providing instant information and assistance.

Engagement: Keeps potential buyers engaged with property listings through continuous interaction.

Trust Building: Contributes to building trust with clients through personalized and responsive interactions.

Accessibility: Offers 24/7 availability, catering to the demand for instant answers in the real estate buying process.

Social Media Marketing

Social media is the link that connects billions of people worldwide. In fact, in 2023, there were about 4.95 billion social media users, making it one of the most important marketing channels today and in the future. This platform is undoubtedly the golden ticket for your business. Therefore, setting up and maintaining a robust social media presence is strategically crucial. Social media not only holds an impressive 52% lead generation capacity for real estate agents but also offers a prime opportunity to create engaging and informative content that resonates with the target audience.

Power of Paid Social Media Advertising

Paid social media advertising is gearing up to play a pivotal role in real estate marketing strategies. Platforms like Facebook, celebrated for their vast user base, are set to be a key focus for real estate agents, with 90% already using Facebook ad campaigns to showcase their services. The incorporation of paid advertising on these platforms not only expands but also improves the reach and impact of real estate marketing efforts.

Leveraging Advanced Targeting Options

Platforms like Facebook and Instagram offer advanced targeting options that allow real estate professionals to reach specific demographics. This precision in targeting guarantees that all marketing efforts are directed towards the most relevant and potential leads.

The Impact of Video Content

The integration of video content on social media channels proves to be a game-changer in real estate digital marketing efforts. Video content generates 1200% more shares compared to textual and image content. Real estate agents should leverage this trend by incorporating engaging property tours, client testimonials, and informative videos into their social media strategy.

Collaborating with Real Estate Influencers

Collaborations with social media influencers specializing in real estate will become increasingly common. These influencers, with their established audience, can help real estate professionals build credibility and reach a broader demographic. This will have a huge impact among younger generations who heavily rely on social media for information and recommendations.

Virtual Staging

House staging is a major part of the selling process for real estate agents because it helps potential buyers see a property as their future home and ultimately contributes to an impressive 81% conversion rate. However, a longstanding issue has been the high cost associated with traditional staging. But in 2024 – virtual staging is stealing the spotlight as a cost-effective alternative.

Virtual staging is, in fact, up to 97% cheaper than regular home staging. There are many AI real estate tools available to assist in this process, and many real estate professionals are already incorporating these tools into their practices.

Local SEO in Real Estate

Local SEO for real estate involves the systematic refinement of a real estate website or online presence to improve its visibility in local search engine results. This targeted approach focuses on connecting with potential customers in specific geographic areas through the implementation of diverse strategies and tactics.

Targeting Local Prospects

The primary goal of real estate local SEO is to attract local prospects who are actively searching for properties or real estate services within their vicinity. By optimizing online visibility and securing higher positions in local search results, real estate agents can draw increased website traffic and, in turn, generate more qualified leads.

Gaining a Competitive Edge

Local SEO equips businesses to effectively compete with other local players in the real estate market. Establishing a robust online presence within the target market enhances the discoverability of services, making it more convenient for potential customers to choose their offerings over those of competitors.

How Can You Boost Your Local Real Estate Presence?

Optimize Your Google Business Profile 

  • Refine your Google Business Profile listing.
  • Provide accurate and comprehensive information about your real estate business.

Local Keyword Research

  • Determine local keywords potential customers might use.
  • Use these keywords in your website content, meta tags, and blog posts.

Create Local Content

  • Come up with engaging content specific to your local area.
  • Cover neighborhood guides, market trends, and local news.

Optimize Online Reviews

  • Motivate satisfied clients to share positive reviews on platforms like Google and Facebook.
  • Positive reviews bolster your credibility, influencing potential clients to choose your services.

Transform Your Real Estate Business with Prism Digital!

Similar to how professionals in diverse fields apply their expertise to customize solutions, a digital marketing agency plays a major role in molding and improving the online identity of a real estate brand. As the competition intensifies every minute, excelling in this complex field demands proper attention and expertise. At Prism Digital, we understand the intricacies of real estate marketing in the digital age. Our tailored strategies are designed to help clients stay ahead of the competition and connect effectively with their target audience. From redesigning your real estate website to online campaigns, our digital marketing and web development services are designed to make real estate marketing impactful.

At Prism Digital, we're dedicated to delivering results that make a difference in the rapidly changing world of real estate marketing. Contact our digital marketing agency in Dubai today and let us help you elevate your real estate marketing game!

Lovetto Nazareth

About The Author: Lovetto Nazareth

Lovetto Nazareth, owner of Prism Digital, brings over two decades of experience in advertising and digital marketing. Renowned for managing countless successful campaigns, he has generated millions in new leads. An avid adventure sports enthusiast and singer-songwriter, follow his diverse pursuits on social media @LovettoNazareth.

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