5 Effective Real Estate Marketing Strategies

real estate marketing strategies

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Being a marketer is not an easy task, you’re constantly thinking about new strategies to help promote and sell your products, as well as get your business noticed by more and more people. Marketers must learn to adapt to the changes when it comes to finding new leads. We go where our target audience is.

Analysis shows that a massive 4.74 billion people around the world currently use social media, so it's safe to say that there's a fair share of opportunity through these social channels. But how do you effectively appeal and reach out to prospects on the internet?

Here are 5 real estate marketing strategies that you can use to increase your odds.

1. Using Testimonials To Persuade Prospects

Testimonials are an effective way to start building a good rapport with prospects. A positive customer review can work wonders in convincing a potential customer to buy from or work with you. However, you need to be prepared for negative comments every now and then as people are always quick to judge negatively.

Reach out to customers you’ve had great experiences with and ask them to review your business and services. They can do this via text, video, or audio, however, video is usually the best option since your prospects get to see the positive emotions from your clients while hearing them praise your business.

2. Make Use Of Effective Content Marketing

Nowadays, different businesses make use of valuable, high-quality content to promote their business and educate their customers and prospects about what the business can do for them. This content can be in the form of blogs or videos posted up on social media or YouTube. You can even use content in your email marketing campaigns.

Work with an experienced content marketing agency to create high-quality content for your business website or social platforms, as well as guest-writing articles on third-party websites and blogs to have your content reach out to a vast majority of people. Guest writing on other websites, newspapers, and blogs builds your business authority and it shows the public that you are an expert at what you do.

digital marketing for real estate

3. Build Your Social Media Presence

Social media marketing has been one of the most effective ways to get a business brand, accompanied by its products, in front of millions of viewers for a good while now. With more than half of the world's population on social media, all it takes is a strong presence and some clever marketing to boost your sales through social media platforms.

About 90% of realtors market their listings on Facebook, and about 40% use Instagram. Roughly 59% of realtors also use LinkedIn to promote themselves as credible professionals.

Optimizing social media platforms should be part of your social media management strategy. Well-optimized pages are key to social media marketing success. Use strong keywords and hashtags to climb up in the result rankings.

4. Search Engine Optimization Is A Powerful Tool

An individual looking to make any kind of purchase will always start online. Whatever it is that they are looking for, chances are they will either turn to google search or social media to search for what it is that they want. The same applies to real estate.

This being said, you want to optimize your website and social platforms to be at the top of the search engine results pages (SERPs). A digital marketing agency that provides SEO services is your best bet to achieve better rankings so that your company profile is always at the top of the results pages.

5. Set Up A Google Business Profile

To help businesses and locals alike, Google offers a business listing to allow individuals to search for businesses that are around them or within the same country as them. As a realtor, this offers great potential to be recognized by local real estate prospects as well as boost web traffic.

When you register for a Google My Business Profile, you receive a “second homepage” that has all your business details as well as location and contact information.

To Conclude…

The fact that nearly everyone is online nowadays means marketing efforts can be more focused to reach a specific target audience and can be monitored to see which marketing strategies prove more effective. On-page and off-page optimization are both key to improving search rankings.

Quality content and visuals for picture and video ads should be considered as well for the satisfaction of your audience.

All-in-one digital marketing agencies such as Prism Digital focus on the main key points when it comes to boosting web traffic as well as improving search engine results, making your real estate brand more visible to a broad audience, and ensuring that your business’s search engine rankings go up.

Lovetto Nazareth

About The Author: Lovetto Nazareth

Lovetto Nazareth is a digital marketing consultant and agency owner of Prism Digital. He has been in the advertising and digital marketing business for the last 2 decades and has managed thousands of campaigns and generated millions of dollars of new leads. He is an avid adventure sports enthusiast and a singer-songwriter. Follow him on social media on @Lovetto Nazareth

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