A Brief Guide to Keyword Search Volume

keyword search volume guide

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Keyword search volume simply refers to the number of times a keyword is searched for in a specified timeframe. It is considered one of the most important metrics when it comes to SEO. Not just for SEO but keyword search volume is equally important for PPC advertising as well.

No matter if you are planning a paid search campaign or researching for keywords to add to your website content, you will always evaluate search volume to identify the right keywords.

This brief guide will explain the concept behind keyword search volume and also enlist ways to find out keywords with high search volume.

What is keyword search volume and why is it important?

As aforementioned, keyword search volume is the frequency of keywords being searched in a specified amount of time. Search volume gives you an insight into how popular certain keywords are and if it is worth investing in those keywords or not.

Why are keywords important?

Simply put, web pages are ranked on search engines based on the relevance of keywords. Bots index web pages correctly on the bases of keywords so that when a user initiates a search for a certain keyword, that web page shows up in the SERPs.

That being said, it is not enough to just stuff a few keywords here and there on a web page and expect it to rank. The content of the web page needs to be relevant and informative enough to add value to the user.

What can be considered a good keyword search volume?

There is no straightforward answer to this question. It depends on what niche you are targeting along with other factors. However, as a rule of thumb, you should be looking for relevant keywords having a monthly volume of 100-1000 searches.

Here are a few factors you should consider while evaluating keywords based on search volume.

  • Keyword search volume varies from industry to industry.
  • You should not target an overly competitive keyword even if the search volume is high.
  • You should also not target the terms that are rarely used by searchers because you might not reach the target audience.
  • You might end up competing with bigger websites with higher budgets if you target keywords with really high search volume.

You ideally need to keep a healthy balance between search volume and competition to be able to achieve optimum results. You should target a mix of keywords having low to medium search volume. This will allow you to steer clear of too much competition and you would steadily grow your ranking on search engines.

Things to know about keyword search volume guide

What is the difference between seasonal and evergreen keywords?

Search volume for certain keywords stays consistent throughout the year. Such keywords are considered evergreen keywords because they can always be targeted and are very important for steady and consistent traffic.

On the other hand, search volume for certain keywords keeps fluctuating depending on the seasons and festivals and is time-sensitive. For example, keywords related to Christmas gifts will be searched more during the Christmas season, hence will have higher search volume during this time. Such keywords are known as seasonal keywords and must be targeted after careful research and consideration.

Ways to find monthly search volume for the keywords

There are multiple different ways of searching for keywords. Marketers use manual ways as well as automated tools as well. The most effective tools used to search keywords are namely Google trends, Google Keyword Planner, Google Search Console, Keyword Sheeter, SEMrush Topic Research Tool along with others.

You can always go for free keyword research tools to get insights. However, it is always recommended to invest in an effective paid keyword research tool to get deeper insights and thorough analysis. These tools give you micro-level data that you can analyze in terms of search volume, competition, fluctuations, and relevance so that you can analyze and choose the best ones.

Search volume is not the only metric that you should consider while searching for keywords. You should also monitor other performance indicators, especially page performance. The reason is that you need to make sure that the keywords you are targeting are getting clicks as well and are not ignored by users.

There are tools available to monitor these indicators as well such as SEMrush’s position tracking tool. This tool allows you to monitor compare your performance with competitors. It also gives you insights into your ranking distribution which is a key metric when it comes to observing page performance.

Contrary to what some people believe, SEO is not at all a guessing game. It is a complete data-driven science that you can definitely master. The results are calculated and can be predicted with considerable accuracy.

Lastly, SEO is an everchanging domain and to stay on top of it is a hefty task. You need to constantly learn and evolve along with search engines. Especially when it comes to keywords, you cannot research keywords once and then leave them be. You constantly have to monitor your keyword performance because a ranking fluctuation is a regular occurrence.

The key is to analyze thoroughly, follow a set strategy, and keep a rigorous monitoring process. This is a slow process but the results are surely worthwhile.

This is it for today’s blog. I hope you enjoyed reading it and learned a thing or two about SEO and keyword research. Be sure to leave your feedback and share it with your friends as well.

If you run a business website and your website is not performing well at all, SEO experts at Prism Digital, the best SEO agency in Dubai can build and execute winning SEO strategies that would take your website straight to the top of search rankings, where 90% of the magic happens in terms of sales and business acquisitions. See you on the other side.

Lovetto Nazareth

About The Author: Lovetto Nazareth

Lovetto Nazareth is a digital marketing consultant and agency owner of Prism Digital. He has been in the advertising and digital marketing business for the last 2 decades and has managed thousands of campaigns and generated millions of dollars of new leads. He is an avid adventure sports enthusiast and a singer-songwriter. Follow him on social media on @Lovetto Nazareth

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