Why is Now the Best Time to Advertise with Video?

Why is it a perfect time to start Video Advertising?

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It is easy to understand why video marketing is so popular these days; for one thing, it is a simple format that offers our eyes a break from the overload of written information available online. This might explain why the audience watches a billion hours of video content on YouTube every day.

Those of you who are considering a career in digital marketing should be well-versed in the potential of video marketing. The reason is that in order to stay competitive, you’ll almost certainly have to learn to include video into your advertising content.

This blog will highlight some key benefits of video advertising and elaborate on some tips and best practices to use video as an effective marketing tool. Let's get into it without any further ado.

Difference between video advertising and traditional advertising?

Video advertising is commercial content that appears before, during, or after a video transmission. Some marketers broaden the definition of video advertising to include display advertisements with video content, such as those that begin playing when the mouse pointer passes over them, and native video ads distributed through digital ad networks.

Video vs. Display Advertising

A display ad is a paid advertisement that displays on a website, social media network, or app in the digital environment. These are banner ads that appear throughout a website's primary content.

The purpose of display advertisements is to increase brand recognition and buying intent. However, across all forms, their click-through rate for display ads is only 0.05 %. Furthermore, some people have "banner blindness," meaning they get so tired of advertisements that they no longer perceive them.

Marketers were forced to search for other options due to the well-known limitations of display advertisements. As a result of this transition, video advertising has become increasingly popular as a means of increasing awareness, engagement, and conversions.

When it comes to learning about a product or service, 72 % of respondents prefer video over text. According to Forbes, a typical internet user spends 88 % more time on a website that has video content than one that does not. Moreover, using video on a landing page improves conversions by 86%, according to recent research.

The State of Video Advertising Right Now

One of the most common methods to reach internet consumers these days is through video advertising. Experts predict that video advertising will dominate the next decade, so now is the time for marketers to learn more about it and see how it may help them expand their reach and enhance the overall efficiency of their marketing campaigns.

If you think you are not educated enough on the concept, you can always contact experts at digital video marketing agencies. They will help guide you through the process and also help you incorporate strategies that will help speed up the journey to your goals.

Despite the fact that video marketing is becoming more popular, it is not a surefire way for businesses to succeed. According to the findings of an Irish survey, 60% of respondents believe there is too much advertising linked with on-demand video providers.

Furthermore, 35% indicated that the commercials irritated them because they prevented them from enjoying the material they wanted to watch.

According to statistics like these, marketers must be extremely cautious when creating video advertisements because the aim is to make any commercial content as unobtrusive as possible. Viewers may be more inclined to tune in if an advertisement comes at a natural gap in the programming, such as before a presenter addresses a new topic.

Options like Scroll-to-Watch advertisements and Click-to-Watch video advertising, in which the viewer actively chooses to watch and reclaims control make the experience more convenient for them. This is also in stark contrast to the invasive and irritating character of pre-roll content and results in significantly higher completion rates.

Types of Videos

There are various sorts of films available and knowing your objective when you sit down to make the video is an important aspect of developing a successful video marketing plan or any other type of content, for that matter. To that end, make sure the video's type and channel are both appropriate for the video's purpose.

Here is a rundown of different sorts of video content and video advertising techniques that can be used.

  • Explainers can be used in conjunction with manuals, customer support operations, and a variety of other applications to assist and educate customers about your product.
  • Interviews can be used to spark debate between opposing viewpoints or to highlight a noteworthy guest or influencer. If you are making videos with guest experts, you can always repurpose the audio and sell it as a podcast.
  • Product reviews and demo videos: If you can discover people in your field who are trying to increase their social media following, this may be a wonderful method to receive free promotion.

If the individuals conducting the video reviews have a lot of interaction and comments, this may also help you learn more about the product. In some ways, it is similar to market research.

  • Live video: It is the finest way to get up and personal with your audience, and it is especially effective on social media.

Choose your most important KPIs, then collaborate with a seasoned advertising agency to create advertisements that excite viewers and bring in results. To make successful videos these days, you do not need to be a video producer or spend a lot of money.

You should also think about the sorts of video advertisements that are available and choose which is ideal for your message, your video advertising platform, and your target demographic.

Key Facts About Video Advertising Infographic

Why is video advertising becoming so popular?

The data shows that advertisers are now becoming increasingly inclined towards video advertising. Yes, experimenting with and investing in a new channel is risky, but the numbers speak for themselves.

50.9 % of B2B decision-makers, for example, use YouTube to investigate prospective purchases and 70% of viewers made a purchase after viewing a brand on YouTube. Despite this, advertisers are hesitant to use video marketing for a variety of reasons.

Some people are concerned that it is too costly. Others believe that companies can get by just fine with alternative ad formats, so why bother? If you are still not persuaded that video advertising is the way to go, consider the following points.

1. Popularity

People enjoy watching videos with interesting, intelligent, and relevant data. More than 80% of people in the world view videos on the internet on a daily basis. Every day, almost 4 billion YouTube videos are viewed online all around the world.

By utilizing web video ads, marketers can reach a wide spectrum of people. While watching a video of their favorite product, customers tend to spend a lot of time and thought. Based on the information presented in the video, they can make educated judgments regarding the products or services offered.

2. Generating and converting sales

Video marketing is a great approach to generate and convert sales leads. Consumers are prompted to visit a certain website and purchase a product as a result of video advertisements. As a result, keeping the video ad short, sweet, and uncomplicated is critical.

Users might benefit from videos with a concise and eye-catching message. Non-intrusive advertisements can assist businesses in attracting more people to their products. In video commercials, it is critical to have a strong call to action. Video advertisements may also be used to increase customer confidence in a brand.

Product sales can be increased by 40% by including a video ad in the product description. It is also a great strategy to increase product recalls. Within a month, consumers tend to recall the video commercials they saw. More than 40% of consumers buy something after watching a video about it.

3. Video's Shareability

Customers like sharing videos with their family, friends, and acquaintances. They post videos that they enjoy on various social media networks. Almost 92% of the videos are posted on a regular basis on various social media sites. Thus, it is the most efficient method of organically reaching a large audience.

The larger the number of shares a video receives, the more visible the brand gets. To target a certain group of customers, you must produce shareable customized video content.

It improves brand recognition and brand loyalty as well and it also allows users to communicate with the company, enhancing the brand's personality. To put it another way, it aids brands in humanizing their products.

4. Device Compatibility

People prefer to see video ads on their mobile devices rather than on their PCs. The number of such people is steadily increasing across the world. After seeing a brief video about a product, the majority of B2B buyers are more likely to get in touch with the company.

Consumers, according to human psychology, have a limited attention span. It is critical to complete a video in less than 30 seconds. The opening five seconds of the video should be captivating enough to hold the viewer's attention. These are the reasons why mobile video advertising is regarded as the most practical choice. Moreover, incorporating a call to action in video commercials can help boost sales significantly.

5. Perfect Media for Information Exchange

Marketers may use audio-visuals in their video commercials to educate their customers about a specific issue. Product tutorials and how-to video guides are two examples of such videos.

The most successful medium for storytelling is video ads. This sort of video might appeal to a person's senses. It has the ability to transmit information in a short amount of time. People may learn, be inspired, and be entertained by them. The viewers are also affected emotionally by captivating video advertisements.

Marketers employ video advertising to create an emotional connection with potential consumers. Consumers can benefit from good video content if they are able to properly digest the information.

6. SEO Advantage

Search engines such as Google, Bing, and others prefer to show video material over other types of content. The algorithm makes the videos appear first. Resultingly, video content may assist a marketer in achieving a high ranking in SERPs.

You can reach your target audience by distributing the videos on various social media sites. To capture the attention of your customers, you can use video advertising on your blog as well.

7. Analytics

One of the most appealing features of video ads is that they can be tracked. Such statistics are widely accessible on many sites, including Facebook and YouTube. People like interacting with video advertising in a variety of ways.

Marketers may utilize analytics to determine how many times a specific video has been liked or shared. Likes, comments, and shares may all be used to assist a marketer to rebuild their campaign. It can assist you in increasing visitors to your website.

Consumers may offer real-time feedback and communicate with companies and this valuable information can be utilized to steer marketing efforts in the right direction.

8. Aids in the Launch of New Products

When it comes to promoting new products or services, video advertisements may be quite effective. According to studies, the vast majority of consumers will view an explainer video about a new product.

This is where Digital Video Marketing Agencies come in. A product launch is as tricky as it can get. If a company fails to generate hype about a product launch, that means the launch wasn’t effective enough and the importance of early exposure for any product is the key to long-term success.

Various types of video ads can help generate traction during a product launch. One of them can be explainer videos. An explainer video has the ability to significantly boost a company's visibility, expose the product features to future buyers, and much more. You can for example make an animated video to help people understand a tough topic. The animated videos are motivating, inventive, and nostalgic.

This is one of the many ways of using video advertisements for product launches. You will have to figure out the best video ad type and the channels that you are going to use in order to make the most of it.

There you have it. If you weren’t aware of the advantages of video advertising, now you are. Don’t miss out on an amazing opportunity to touch the hearts of your target audience. Start using video as an effective marketing tool and reap unlimited benefits.

You don’t have to spend your resources on video advertising, expert advertising agencies do it for you. Prism video marketing is among the top video marketing agencies in Dubai providing top-notch video marketing services. Reach out to us now and let’s take your brand to the center stage. Thank you and Goodbye.

Lovetto Nazareth

About The Author: Lovetto Nazareth

Lovetto Nazareth is a digital marketing consultant and agency owner of Prism Digital. He has been in the advertising and digital marketing business for the last 2 decades and has managed thousands of campaigns and generated millions of dollars of new leads. He is an avid adventure sports enthusiast and a singer-songwriter. Follow him on social media on @Lovetto Nazareth

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