Importance of On-page SEO and Top factors to Keep in Check

10 Important SEO Trends in  2021

Table Of Contents

  1. What is On-Page SEO?
  2. Why is On-Page SEO Important?
  3. What is E.A.T Protocol and Why is it Important For ranking?
  4. How to Write Title Tags That Help Rank Your Content?
  5. How to Write Meta Descriptions That Stand Out?
  6. How to Write SEO Friendly Headlines?
  7. What are Header Tags and How to Use Them?
  8. How to Write SEO Friendly Content That Ranks?
  9. What is keyword Cannibalization and How to Avoid it?
  10. Why is it Important to Doa Content Audit?
  11. Is it Important to optimize images in Order to Rank?
  12. Why is it Important to Focus on User Engagement?

Ranking organically is getting tougher every day because of ever-increasing competition and continuously changing algorithms. It is important to pay attention to every aspect of SEO including on-page and off-page.

The focus has always been more towards off-page SEO and the technical side of things but the fact of the matter is that off-page and backlinking alone won’t do good if the on-page SEO factors are not kept in check.

It is empirical for you to up your on-page SEO game if you want to rank well and it is not just a one-time thing. Search engines are always evolving so you need to keep yourself up to date with the latest advancements and happenings in the SEO landscape.

This blog is all about on-page SEO. It will cover everything from ‘what SEO really is’ and why it is important. You will also get to learn the top on-page SEO factors to work on.

What on-page SEO actually is?

On-page SEO precisely means to optimize web pages to rank well and eventually get traffic organically. It refers to adding relevant and engaging content and not just that, it also includes optimizing factors like HTML Tags (meta, titles, and headings) and also optimized images.

Your website has to have a high level of authoritativeness, trustworthiness, and expertise in the subject matter. All of these factors when combined and worked on together will help improve the visibility of the site.

Why is on-page SEO important?

On-page SEO helps search engines to understand your website’s content and also to identify whether the content is relevant and valuable to searchers or not. Search engines have been changing constantly and nowadays the focus has shifted more towards relevance and connotations in search engine results.

Google, with its complex algorithms, has become sophisticated enough to understand what users are searching for and what to deliver in search results to meet user’s expectations. So, you need to make sure that everything on your website from the text, images, and videos to HTML tags and data that’s only for search engines is well optimized.

You will definitely see quick results and a traffic boost when you work on on-page strategies. This blog takes you through the most important factors of on-page SEO. Working on these will allow you to rank more easily and increase your visibility.

10 Important SEO Factors in 2021 infographic

1. E.A.T Protocol and its Importance

Ever heard of E.A.T? It is basically a framework used by Google to assess websites and content to rank them accordingly. It is a combination of three core factors such as expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness.

There are three factors that Google weighs content on and decides whether it is high quality or low quality. Websites creating high-quality content are always preferred and are ranked well. There is a direct correlation between the quality of the content and its ranking so you need to weigh your content on these three factors to understand if it is worthy of getting ranked.

2. Write Title Tags That Help Rank Your Content.

A title tag is an HTML tag that appears on the header section of web pages and it gives the initial idea of what the page content is about. It also appears on the search engine results and in the browser window.

The title tag is sometimes overlooked because it has a little direct impact on organic ranking but if the title tag is copied or poorly written, it will negatively impact SEO so you need to keep the title tag in check. The ideal character length for a title tag is 60 characters. If the title tag is too long, it might get cut off or some keywords might get omitted as well. You need to make sure your title is concise and of ideal length. Check out our video on this topic for more information

3. Use Meta Descriptions for SEO.

Meta descriptions have always been considered as an important factor while optimizing content. It provides a brief of what the content is about and is displayed underneath the title in search result pages.

The ideal character length for the meta description is around 150 characters. It should not be more than this limit. You should use active voice while writing it and ideally use a call to action. Try to add focus keywords and be as specific as possible.

Google claims that meta descriptions are not important for ranking. However, SEO Agencies with expertise in the field claim that they do, in some ways, help with ranking. Moreover, well-optimized meta descriptions can increase the click-through rate and also positively enhance the perception of content quality.

4. Write SEO Friendly Headlines

Always make sure that your headline is right on point. It might sound easy to write a headline but it can easily go wrong. The headline should be clear, concise should indicate what the content is going to be about. It is a good idea to use numbers and lists but only when applicable.

Headlines can be the deciding factor between a click or an impression soit needs to stand out to persuade users to continue reading that’s why it is crucial for you to pick headlines smartly.

5. Use Header Tags for Better SEO

Header tags are HTML elements that are used to differentiate headings and subheadings from the rest of the content. These tags can make your content look well structured and enjoyable to read. Moreover, you can use tags to add keywords for search engines to identify.

H1 header should have your primary keyword and there should only be one H1 heading on the page. Secondary keywords can be used in H2 and H3 headers.

6. Write SEO Optimized Content

SEO writing doesn’t just mean putting keywords here and there. You need to write content keeping in mind both the readers and search engines but It has to be reader-centric first. Always keep your reader in mind while writing content.

Make sure that the content is high quality, is actually valuable, and full of information for readers. The content should be keyword rich in a systematic manner and it should be well structured with well-crafted headings that excite the readers.

7. Avoid Keyword Cannibalization

Keyword cannibalization simply means targeting one keyword on multiple pages of your website. It can turn out to be disastrous for your site’s SEO. Also, when you are targeting the same keyword on different pages of your website, you are actually competing against yourself. You need to find out and rectify this issue.

There are a few ways to eradicate keyword cannibalization. You can merge different pages of your website that have similar content. You might also have to delete some content if there is too much repetitiveness.

Another way is to remove keywords and use some other words. These are a few ways that you can minimize it. If you want to learn more about keyword cannibalization, check out our detailed blog post about this topic for more information.

8. Regular Content Audit is Important

People are so concerned about continuously adding newer content that they forget to audit their existing content. Auditing content is important because it can give you an idea if your content is achieving results or not.

You will also get to know if your content is still valuable or it has become obsolete. Content audits need to be done regularly so you have to incorporate them into your overall SEO strategy

9. Optimize the Images

This is something that you cannot miss. Images are very important to make your pages appealing but some images can be the reason why your website is slow. Optimizing images will help you gain more ranking opportunities, improve user experience on your site, and decrease load times.

Images can also rank in image search and potentially increase the number of visitors and can also help search engines read your content easily. Lastly, images need to be relevant to the content and should complement the message that you need to deliver.

10. Focus on user Engagement

You need to make sure that your website visitors are not bouncing back, but are continuing to read and engage with your content. It Isn’t easy to keep the readers hitched but it is doable. Work on aspects such as speed, user experience, content optimization to decrease bound rate. Bounce rate has a negative impact on ranking so it is necessary for you to ensure that visitors are spending time on your website. That can only happen when you increase user engagement on your website.

To sum it up, on-page SEO is just as important as off-page SEO so you need to work on both fronts to get the desired results. Follow these tips and you will definitely see a positive change in your ranking. Make sure that you are always aware of the constantly changing SEO trends to be able to compete.

This is it for today. We hope that you liked the blog. Feel free to leave a comment or if you have a question, just write to us and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Don’t forget to share it with your friends so that they can also learn. Thank you.

Lovetto Nazareth

About The Author: Lovetto Nazareth

Lovetto Nazareth is a digital marketing consultant and agency owner of Prism Digital. He has been in the advertising and digital marketing business for the last 2 decades and has managed thousands of campaigns and generated millions of dollars of new leads. He is an avid adventure sports enthusiast and a singer-songwriter. Follow him on social media on @Lovetto Nazareth

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