How Can Small Businesses Benefit From Facebook Marketing Strategies?

Businesses Benefit From Facebook Marketing

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If you see a decline in Facebook interaction and need to boost your small business's visibility or if you're tired of being overshadowed by your rivals, these Facebook marketing strategies will definitely help you outshine them.

Marketing your business online is a tough nut to crack, especially for local businesses. It becomes much more difficult when such businesses become multichannel and have to compete in the digital realm with larger incumbent brands.

It may appear hard to compete without a huge budget, but you don't necessarily need a big Facebook marketing budget to create waves. In 2019, Facebook had a monthly active user base of 2.6 billion people. It is, without a doubt, the world's largest social network, uniting individuals from all over the world.

Even if your small business just serves a local or regional market, Facebook is a fantastic way to reach a much broader audience and reach out to potential customers looking for your products or services. Before diving into the topic, let’s get the basics right first.

Organic vs. Paid social media: What's the Difference?

Both organic and sponsored social media strategies can help you reach your objectives. The distinctions are in the amount of exposure your content receives and the speed with which you may see the results.

Paid social is a great method to see results right away after running an ad or paying to promote a Facebook post. When you use paid social, your visibility ends when your funding runs out.

You'll have to put in a bit more effort using organic marketing techniques, but the effects will stay longer. Because any channel of online marketing can be expensive, and you'll want to make the most of your investment. You can achieve fantastic outcomes by combining organic techniques with paid approaches for the best return on investment.

Successful Facebook Marketing Solutions and Strategies

Here are a few successful Facebook marketing solutions and strategies for crushing your small business's competition and reaching new heights.

1. Make Profile Page More Engaging

It doesn't take long to complete your Facebook profile with business information. Customers frequently use Google to find local companies, but they are increasingly using Facebook to study brands and locate local businesses.

If they're already using the app, they'll often check into a company to read reviews and suggestions, search up address information, discover a phone number, and so on. They can go to your website or phone the number you've provided after they've arrived at your page. So, optimize your Facebook profile to give your readers as much information as possible about your company. Make sure all of your contact information is accurate, up to date, and comprehensive.

Don't forget to choose a vanity URL after you've reached 25 followers. The personalized page address for your company page is known as a vanity URL. It'll most likely be your brand's name or a phrase connected with it.

Your profile page should have a link to your website, and your website should also contain a link to your profile page. Create an appropriate banner for the cover image and use your logo as your Facebook profile photo.

Instead of using your personal phone number, use a trackable number like Google Voice This way, you can keep track of how many calls come in from your Facebook page.

2. Make a Content Calendar

Unless you're jumping on a popular issue, avoid posting Facebook updates without a content calendar. The most efficient method to optimize your efforts while limiting your time spent on Facebook marketing is to use a content schedule.

You can prepare what you'll post and when you'll post it with a content calendar, then preload that material into a program. Industry and social events, seasonal trends, popular subjects, and interactive material should all be included in a content calendar. Maintaining bidirectional contact will also encourage individuals to revisit your profile.

When planning your content, do some keyword research to see what keywords are being searched for in your sector and then develop content around those phrases. You can also use Google Trends to find out what's trending in your niche.

Once everything else is organized, your material will be auto-posted by a scheduling mechanism depending on your schedule. The only time you will have to go on Facebook is to check in on your followers and reply to their feedback.

3. Create Purposeful Content for Posts

Small companies must pay greater attention to how they interact with their customers. You can't just publish whatever you want and expect to get attention. Every post you publish should have a purpose other than simply filling the silence.

Be careful with what you share and when you post it. Decide what you're going to post and why you're going to post it. When you post, consider what action you want others to take as a result.

Try to relate to your consumers while creating content: how will your audience perceive your content? You are, after all, posting it for their benefit. Be approachable, interesting, and instructive.

Look through your Facebook insights to see which subjects and posts were the most popular in the past. Check through competitor pages to discover what kinds of material and themes drew the most interest.

Finally, even if you write good content, you won't generate any sales until you can convince your readers to take action. That is why you must include a strong, obvious call to action – and don't forget to provide a phone number or a link to the relevant website.

4. Concentrate on Developing a Community

Create a Facebook Group based on the interests of your consumers. The more tightly knit the group you build, the more people will trust your brand. Because not all small companies can profit from the formation of a Facebook Group, you must first consider whether your target audience requires this and then determine what conversation subjects would pique their interest.

What will entice them to join your group? People appreciate having their own place. Consider how you can give back to your community while also supporting your clients. This will undoubtedly pay off, as you will quickly see an increase in brand loyalty and may even uncover some brand ambassadors!

Think carefully about the name of your group. When starting a group, name it after something people will search for on Facebook to improve the likelihood that users will find it.

5. Monitor your competitors

Your small business isn't the only one doing Facebook marketing. You'll want to keep an eye on your competitors so you can compare your efforts to theirs. Make the most of whatever additional research you have that your competitors don't.

When benchmarking, look at what's working for your competitors: what sorts of articles generate the most engagement for them? What type of return on investment do they get from their sponsored ads? What is the amount of money that the major participants are putting into the game?

6. Make Use of Custom Retargeting

Using video advertising to retarget warm viewers is one of the most consistently effective marketing techniques. Retargeting on Facebook is a kind of advertising that targets individuals who interacted with your brand but did not convert.

The option to build unique audiences for your advertisements depending on how long people view your videos is one of the best features of the Facebook Ads Manager. The fact that this technique only presents the free offer to individuals who have viewed more than 75% of the first video is what makes it so effective. So, you are basically targeting people who you know are interested in your product or service.

To begin using custom audiences, follow these steps:

Go to the Ads Manager on Facebook. Select Audiences. Select Custom Audiences to build an audience. Then, using the dropdown menu, select a target audience. This will generate a pixel code, which you will need to paste into your website. With the Custom Audiences functionality, you may utilize retargeting on your email and e-commerce lists. You'll also be able to target advertising to a certain group of people based on your email lists.

7. Create saved audiences.

Saved Audiences, unlike Custom Audiences, are created using the normal Facebook Ads targeting tools. Instead of customizing your audience each time you create an ad or wish to promote a post, you can keep them and utilize them whenever you want.

If you intend on targeting similar demographics each time you produce particular advertisements or boost posts from your page, this is a wonderful choice to employ. It will save you a lot of time and money, especially if you start producing advertisements in bulk and boost posts on a regular basis.

8. Customer Service

According to research conducted by Accent Marketing, a whopping 82% of Facebook users anticipate excellent customer service from companies. It's a good idea to set yourself apart from your industry's rivals by delighting consumers and delivering excellent customer service.

The fastest response time comes from using Facebook as a customer care channel. The ability to contact a brand in the event of a problem is a major trust indicator, and consumers are more inclined to pick you if they know you'll respond. If there is a problem, they can see that your customer service is spot on.

Facebook Marketing Strategies in 2021

9. When possible, Boost Posts

When you share anything on Facebook, it isn't visible to everyone who follows you. This is done in order to encourage businesses like yours to spend a modest charge to promote their content. Though this may appear to be an unusual business approach, it may be beneficial to your company.

Sometimes all you need is a few clicks to get started. With boosted posts, all you have to do is choose your target demographic and budget, and you're good to go.

It will not only help you recuperate lost organic reach as a result of continuing algorithmic adjustments, but it can also help you boost exposure, which leads to more visitors to your content and/or sales of your product or service.

Don't forget to ask folks to like your page and follow your company when promoting a post. If done right, this modest investment can go a long way.

10. Improve your cover design

The area at the top of your page will be filled with a basic cover, but Facebook provides you additional alternatives. Post a video cover instead of a simple logo or a photo of your company. Combine a series of short clips from current events, or footage of your company, customer encounters, pleased staff, and so on.

Use the film as the cover of your page to highlight your brand and the culture of your small business. A dynamic image is significantly more appealing to potential consumers than a static image.

11. Livestream on Facebook

Video was named the "primary disruptor" in the 2017 State of Inbound report, with 24% of marketers citing it as a key priority.

Followers appreciate this more informal material, particularly in video format, because it allows them to see behind the scenes of your company. There's no need for everything to be scripted.

It is sometimes enough to just give a rough notion of what you'd like to discuss. A short unpacking of a new product, a lesson or product how-to, customer testimonials, live coverage of in-store or community events, and so on are all examples of live streams.

People spend more than 3 times as much time viewing a Facebook Live video as they do a video that is no longer live, according to the newsroom of the social media platform.

These films can also be stored and placed on your page as part of your narrative or featured content for consumers to find later when they come.

12. Make use of Facebook's Story feature.

The story feature on Facebook is a great method to bring easy-to-digest content in front of your audience. It's also a wonderful method to show off your small business's culture. Stories are a more informal approach to engage your audience, and it's a type of Facebook marketing that requires little more than a few minutes behind the camera.

It is not necessary for stories to be news-related. They can range from a simple inquiry to a lengthy movie that includes a question or poll. Anything that would increase engagement should be used.

13. Post when your target audience is online

By day and hour, your Facebook insights will tell you when your fans engage with you the most. schedule your content to be shared when your audience is most engaged.

Even if your fans are extremely active during peak engagement periods, your updates may get hidden in a crowded newsfeed. Posting late at night, when fans are less active, is an easy way to get around this.

This means newsfeeds are less active as a whole. Active users are more likely to view your content since there is less competition. With that increase in interaction, your content is more likely to appear in the feeds of other followers when they check on in the morning.

14. Making the most of Facebook for your business

With so many individuals spending time on Messenger, in groups, and just scrolling through their feeds, your company's target audience could also be on Facebook. If they are, use an efficient marketing approach to convert them into paying clients.

Incorporating both organic and paid tactics into your Facebook marketing strategy for your small business is the best way to go. Monitor your analytics to keep track of engagement and compare your techniques and outcomes to those of your competitors.

Why leave the extra income on the table for someone else to grab when over 80% of businesses are engaged on Facebook? Even on a shoestring budget, your small company website, with a good Facebook marketing plan, can produce handsome leads and revenues.

You can always interact with experts at social media marketing companies to broaden your knowledge on the subjects and get a know-how of the latest trends.


This is it for today’s blog. Don’t forget to share your feedback and you can always reach out to me if you have any queries or comments. If you run a small business and are struggling to make the most of Facebook, contact Prism Digital, the best social media marketing agency in Dubai, we provide tailored strategies designed specifically for your business, according to your needs and goals. Let’s work together and give your business that much-needed boost in visibility.

Lovetto Nazareth

About The Author: Lovetto Nazareth

Lovetto Nazareth is a digital marketing consultant and agency owner of Prism Digital. He has been in the advertising and digital marketing business for the last 2 decades and has managed thousands of campaigns and generated millions of dollars of new leads. He is an avid adventure sports enthusiast and a singer-songwriter. Follow him on social media on @Lovetto Nazareth

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